Which temperature to serve the wine at?

The temperature at which the wine is served plays a fundamental role in the sensation it gives us when we taste it. 

Various mistakes are often made in this respect, the most common being that of serving wine at "room temperature". This term, invented in French castles centuries ago, referred to the domestic temperatures of that time. It should be noted that heating did not exist and buildings were much colder than today. At that time, the room temperature could be around 16 degrees, which was quite correct and far from the 22 or 23 of our current houses. 

Ideal temperatures 

Although the temperature often varies from one wine to another, the ideal temperature is between 5 and 18 degrees. Only then can we fully appreciate the rich nuances and range of exquisite aromas and flavors that wines offer us.

Below 5 degrees, they lose their characteristic aromas and their flavor and qualities are spoiled. But if they are consumed too hot, around 20 ºC, the acidity and the alcohol level increase, spoiling both the aroma and the flavor. 

Temperatures for different wines 

Each type of wine has different virtues and characteristics. Therefore, there are specific temperatures for each type of wine, which are necessary for the best tasting experience.  

·      Young and sparkling whites: 5ºC to 8ºC

·      Roses and very sweet whites: 8ºC to 10ºC

·      Whites: 10ºC to 12ºC

·      Young reds: 12ºC to 14ºC

·      Reds for aging: 14ºC to 17ºC 

How to refresh the wine? 

You should know that wine should never be put in the freezer, under any circumstances, and if the wine is white or rosé, it should be put in the refrigerator a few hours before serving, and once on the table, keep it cool in the ice bucket. 

Ice water is surely the simplest, most effective and inexpensive method. Moreover, it allows you to play with the temperature at will. We need to take an ice bucket and fill it with ice and water, so the cold will be distributed evenly throughout the bottle and not only on the part that is in direct contact with the ice. If we want to speed up this process, we can add a little salt to the water, thus facilitating the melting of the ice.


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