Discover - or rediscover! - our online boutique!

We often tell you here about our visits to Burgundy's greatest cellars, or about the aromas of our wines, but... have you tasted them?
Well, even if you're not visiting Beaune, our online boutique is just waiting for you to add some Patriarche Burgundy wines and liqueurs to your cellar!

Here you'll find our renowned ranges, from classic whites and reds to our Crémants, which will bring the sparkle of Burgundy to your table. And, of course, our new range of spirits, including the tasty Crème de Cassis, which holds a very special place!

Pernand-Vergelesses, Saint-Romain, Santenay, Chassagne-Montrachet, Aloxe-Corton, Pommard and other Nuits-Saint-Georges wines will no longer hold any secrets for your cellar and your palate!

You can also order online a selection of our wines from the famous Hospices de Beaune and de Nuits auctions, as well as a few pearls from the Tastevinage, the unmistakable seal of distinction created by the Château du Clos de Vougeot and the Confrérie des Chevaliers de Tastevin.

240 years of history...but more than ever connected to satisfy your online shopping needs!
Discover it now by clicking on this link, or on the boutique tab if you're already on our website: Boutique (patriarche.com)

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