[Portrait] Maryline Gianna, science et conscience pour révéler l'âme du vin

Oenologist and technical manager for Maison Patriarche, Maryline Gianna was originally destined to care for people. Today, at the heart of the cellars of the age-old Beaune institution, she combines her passion for the land, the vines and for art on a daily basis, to help as many people as possible discover the subtleties of Patriarche's Burgundy wines.

"Winemaking is an art, a magical moment". The tone is set. Maryline approaches her profession as an artist imagines his canvas. This scientist, who initially embarked on a first-year medical course, quickly made the choice of Dijon's Faculty of Oenology, guided by her elder sister, herself an oenologist. After graduating from the Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin in 1996, she became a consultant oenologist, and soon combined her passion for art, architecture and wine. Maryline transposes her taste for scientific curiosity to oenology, with a credo: in the world of wine, as in scientific research, it's essential to keep on working, to research, cultivate, innovate and obtain the best possible results.

Before joining Patriarche in 2011, Maryline successively worked for a consulting oenology laboratory, then for wine houses where she vinified the wines herself, specializing in the traditional vinification of white wines in barrel. A career that has enabled her to combine innovation and tradition, and which she now applies to some of the region's leading wineries. Her aim is to teach visitors about wine and make them smile. Isn't that, after all, the vocation of the art she loves so much?

Being a woman in Burgundy's wine world is not an issue for Maryline: "Making your mark is a matter of character and vision. You have to be determined to surpass yourself, have an eye for detail, but also be a team player". For Maryline, you can't do anything well on your own. That's the great thing about Patriarche: we work hand in hand with all the teams, the cellarmen, the oenologists. The success of the project and visitor satisfaction depend on this shared commitment." This success is reflected year after year in the cellars, by the influx of visitors and their famous smiles, but also by the awards won by the Maison's wines, notably in the prestigious Tastevinage competition.

Maryline represented Maison Patriarche at the Château du Clos de Vougeot last November for the Tastevinage Majors ceremony. With 11 wines rewarded at the 112th Tastevinage, including 3 Majors - the jury's favorites - out of a total of 13 wines in this category, Maison Patriarche and its team have good reason to believe in the alchemy they embody. "Passion, hard work and a taste for art, the art of winemaking, the art of sharing: this is the recipe for Maison Patriarche, and it's an honor to be able to showcase our wines around the world thanks to these awards," emphasizes Maryline. There's no doubt that she won't miss the next edition, which has already mobilized the entire team. "We represent a very fine company; we have no right to make mistakes, and success is a source of collective pride. Scientific pragmatism and creativity: this could be the perfect definition of Burgundy wines, of which Maryline is one of the key faces, and which everyone can discover throughout the year at the Patriarche cellars in the heart of Beaune.


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